Monday, July 1, 2013

True Blood (2013), Season 6, Episode 3 Review

True Blood (2013), Episode 6.03
"You're no good", June 30th, 2013


I really enjoyed this episode, despite the fact it wasn't as action packed as some of the other episodes. In this episode Eric has succeeded in kidnapping the Governor's daughter, who appears to be willing to help them, but I suspect there might be a twist coming up later on with her character, whether she is playing them or whether he father will sacrifice her I'm not sure. 

Highlights of the episode were a "reunion" between Reverend Newlin and Sarah which was fun to see and a strong female moment of the episode (the women dominated this episode). It also appears that Jason is having a bad "concussion" or migraines and confesses he's been hallucinating to Sookie. I'm kind of hoping that these "concussions" might have more of a supernatural element, as most of the characters in the show eventually end up with some sort of supernatural power. 

Bill seems to have become a sort of vampire religion devotee and believes he can survive the sun (which he can't) and also attempts to force Sookie to give him some of her blood in an attempt to synthesise it like true blood. It is good to see Sookie is finally standing up for herself, she is no longer fearful (as she tells Niall how she is constantly facing danger) and doesn't let Bill inside. Although while Sookie finally seems to have no love for him anymore the power protecting a house from vampires appears not to work on Bill anymore. Just one more of his strange newly acquired powers after he drank Lilith's blood. This scene plays out like a domestic violence scene whereby Sookie refuses to let Bill in, but he overpowers her time and time again and seems to no longer have any regard for her except only to use her, which I kind of think was his motive all along, despite whether he loved her or not. 

Niall continues to try to find out what Warlow's been doing finding the destroyed the Fairy club and meets Ben and tells him he's trying to recruit an army against Warlow. Sam makes an attempt to rescue Emma from the werewolves, while they face discovery from police and Nicole's group who get attacked by the wolves. Meanwhile Andy receives some new anti-vampire weapons at the station, tries to reconnect with Holly by teaching her to shoot and has his hands full looking after his fairy daughters. 

Bill has sent Jessica to seduce and capture the professor responsible for synthesising true blood and hopefully we'll soon see whether he can synthesise halfling or fairy blood as a new source of food for vampires. The episode ends with a confrontation between Andy and Bill where Andy tells Bill about the vampire curfew, and it seems Bill has decided to use Andy's daughters to harvest blood. 

Throughout there is mention of the experiments taking place on vampires in order to create better weapons against them. This has a sort of Nazi experiment/ torture tone to it and it will be really interesting to see where they take the storyline throughout the series. It looks like there are probably more powerful and sinister weapons humans have developed that we haven't seen yet and it will be cool if Bill manages to make a new True Blood so in the upcoming war it will be really interesting to see what happens. Also Sookie who finally seems to have moved on, is looking to Ben the new love interest as they are both halfling telepaths. Overall some interesting threads being developed in this episode. 

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