Monday, May 6, 2013

#43 - Rust and Bone (De rouille et d'os) (2012)

Rust and Bone, (De rouille et d'os) (France), Jaques Audiard
This is an intense emotional film that is beautifully shot and performed. It is the acting that makes what might have been melodramatic poignant and authentic. The subtle and retrained cinematography swings beautifully between silent shots and dialogue with a great use of music.

#42 - Warm Bodies (2013)

Warm Bodies, Jonathan Levine
Star-crossed zombie lovers, or perhaps just necrophilia? This somewhat quirky romance is kind of funny set to an oddly "old school" soundtrack. Very light and some intriguing and potentially bizarre analytical consequences for gender and race studies in the zombie genre. But don't worry even if you're undead a cute girl will make you come alive again. Enjoyable for those who enjoy sentimentality and an unfortunate melding of marketing to please both stereotypes of gender. I prefer the more exploitation style zombie flick and for those who enjoy gore more than sappy songs and dialogue go watch "Planet Terror" or stick with the classics like "The Evil Dead", "Re-Animator" or "Night of the Living Dead". This film could have done with more brains, better special effects although it did provide some interesting additions to the genre.