Saturday, December 1, 2012

Children of Men (2006)

Children of Men (2006), Alfonso Cuaron
This fast paced complex dystopian scifi-thriller is brilliantly performed, with great cinematography. The camera style feels like you're in the middle of the action, as if filmed by a war correspondent, giving the film a gritty and raw feel. Except on one occasion the camera work breaks the 4th wall, which detracts from the story. The complexity of themes are harsh and evocative, managing to evoke issues of race, class, concentration camps, terrorism, and wars in the Middle east etc. However the heavy handed references to Christian mythology are grating and obvious, glorifying the notion of birth and creation as well as cementing the archetype of "man, woman and child" and while it does adapt and change elements it reverts much to the traditional stereotypes in a disappointing way. Overall a powerful and evocative film, with great performances, but is overlaid with mythical and spiritual themes.

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