Sunday, September 30, 2012

Dark Star (1974) Review

Dark Star (1974) written and directed by John Carpenter
John Carpenter's first feature film, made during film school is a sci-fi spoof of films like 2001: A space Odyssey (1968). The film is mostly ridiculous and funny with nonsensical plot and strange characters. The horror-comedy like pet alien 'beach ball' that escapes and attacks Pinback. The film captures the boredom and insanity of space travel, and also is a response to early sci-fi films that glorify space travel into the unknown. This film gives an inkling into the 70s and 80s sci-fi genre development of the industrialised space travel and dystopian sci-fi film examples such as Alien (1979) and Aliens (1986). What really is a film about three hippy dudes bored in space, annoying the hell out of eat other and having to deal with mundane problems that never occur in films such as, running out of toilet paper, and being killed by your faulty seat panel etc parody's the science fiction genre as 'men go into space and things go wrong'. Definitely a cult film, Carpenter manages to create a sense of doom and absurdism through his lighting and musical score that make this something a bit more than just a sci-fi spoof.


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