Monday, October 24, 2016

Black Mirror Season 3 Episode 1 (2016) Analysis

Black Mirror Season 3 Episode 1 "Nosedive" (2016)


This controversial ethical scifi thriller series returns with an episode that hits pretty close to home. Unlike some of the previous episodes which were more futuristic this episode makes a comment on our need for social validation through an extension of social media. This world thrives on social gratification through a visible rating system for every interaction big or small. 

On another note the series is now set in America which is even more a comment on the culture. While this episode plays on futuristic social status through social media ratings I feel that it is merely a amplification of an already existing system of class. Showing us a world where we lived constantly for the social validation is terrifying yet not unfamiliar. Ultimately this episode is about learning to buck the system and live authentically. 

Friday, October 21, 2016

The Way We Were (1973) analysis

The Way We Were (1973)

This film is a classic. A beautiful love story. Great performances by Streisand and Redford. I suppose you could call this a "romcom", but it's more substantial than that. 


I can't decide if this movie is feminist or not. I go back an forth. It seems that Katie (Streisand) is the all empowered woman at the start of the film. Although she gets ridiculed a lot. She also doesn't have her writing acknowledged in class. And then she tears it up and cries when it isn't read out. 

Another reason she gets disempowered by a man (ie. Hubble) is that at the start of the film she says she doesn't drink (ie alcohol) and it doesn't take much for Hubble to convince her "just a sip". For the rest of the film she is constantly seen drinking. 

One pro for Katie is that the sex scene with her and Hubble is a) quite long and b) shows her face and experience of it predominantly. This is unusual considering the film was made in 1973 and also depicts an era of conservatism. She even seems to be the one to seduce him. Although it's not great that she whispers at the end "You know it's Katie don't you?". It's not great that a strong independent woman needs to seduce a womaniser jock that is so drunk and passed out he doesn't even know who he's having sex with. Then the next day Hubble seems really awkward and ashamed while Katie is smitten with him. 

Ultimately when Hubble and Katie get together Katie becomes deferential to him. Despite her inappropriate volatile outbursts at his friend's parties Katie says she stops going to communist meetings. The film makes Katie look like an irrational embarrassment. 

Not only that, but when they break up Katie calls him to come over, practically begging him. She prostrates herself before him and says she will change practically everything about her that makes her strong an independent. 

However after they move to Hollywood Katie redeems herself and stands up for her beliefs in the protest going against Hubble's wishes. So eventually Katie stays true to herself and they break up, but she asks him to stay until the baby is born. In the end she is married to someone else and still standing up for her beliefs. So I go back and forth, I think in the end the film portrays a woman sacrificing her love of a man (who makes her compromise herself) to maintain her beliefs. 

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Ghostbusters (2016) Review

Ghostbusters (2016)

This film is a surprising success. It's got all the cheesy humour of the originals and it's a legitimate new story to tell. The all girl team surpasses the notion of any gimmick it may have been. The stellar acting team is great. They all have unique strong characters, they're not just paper cut outs of the original film. Although there was definitely something of a homage to each character, the geek, the womaniser, the comedian and the one with attitude. Of course there is the token black character which was a little disappointing that she was the one with "attitude". Although she was smart and had knowledge about the city so she was a bit better than the original. I don't know why they had the stupid gorgeous "secretary". I suppose it's a comment on all the "hot" female secretaries there always are in movies. The story had some innovations in supernatural technology which was fun to see and there was no "crossing the streams" reference which was good. There were many cameos from the original ghost busters team which was a delight to watch. They all felt suitable and fit in nicely. The film was a good comedy and doesn't take itself too seriously. Overall a pleasant surprise reboot/ remake that's fun in it's own right.

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

"Mother's Mercy" Game of thrones Season 5 finale review

Mother's Mercy Poster

"Mother's Mercy"
Season 5.10
***Warning Spoilers***

The show opens with Melisandre in the snow in Stannis' camp. So much is packed into this last episode and many loose ends from the season are tied up. And many deaths of course. The storyline I was most looking forward to was Cersei and her walk of shame something I'd anticipated from reading the books and it didn't disappoint. I can't believe that it was a body double and CGI of Lena Heady's face. I also really enjoyed seeing the Sansa storyline wrap up. It was a major deviation from the book that instead of the Arya dopple ganger it was Sansa who was married off to Ramsey. Despite deviation I respect the way they kept Sansa in the show and her strength was great. It was good to finally see her develop and flourish ironically to have it all taken away by Ramsey. It made for nice Tv watching to see her light the candle just as Brienne leaves. I really liked how Theon had also progressed this season and the epic reveal that he is in fact Theon not Reek. It was great to see him kill off the kennel master's daughter. Even though I'd read the books it was still nice to see and epic to watch Theon and Sansa jump off the parapet. I know they can't be killed off for next season but they should totally have died from that fall or at least show up next season with broken legs although I doubt that will happen. I'm really looking forward to seeing what happens with Sansa next season. Seeing as we left off with her storyline in the books somewhere near the Eyrie. 

It was good to see Sam finally leave for Old town to become a Maester. And I was not that sad to see Jon Snow die although I was a bit shocked because we are uncertain of his fate in the books so that kind of spoiled it a bit. What's going to happen to Ghost now at the Wall? Melinsandre and Davos are also still at the Wall escaping Stannis' army being massacred. Some think Jon Snow is not dead which I think is ridiculous, but if he is alive I think that Melisandre will bring him back with her sorcery. Speaking of deaths, I'm not sure why they killed of Mercyla it made the whole Jamie storyline seem more redundant. I thought his storyline this season was the weakest. It was a weak ploy to get Jamie out of Kings Landing for the season. And I was particularly disappointed with the Sandsnakes this season. They were really great in the books and in the show they seemed like stupid children despite being clearly sexualised. I was surprised with her murder at the end, and I wonder if they will follow up in Dorne next season. I'm also interested in how Jamie will factor into the next season back in Kings Landing. Maybe he will go back to Dorne for revenge? Or will he be back in Kings Landing for Cersei's trial? 

I really didn't like how Jon Snow was developed this season as he just seemed immature and his war at hardhome was so unrealistic (ok so I can suspend disbelief, but it was a bit much!). It was so good in the book to see him develop as Lord Commander. He became cold and calculating, and instead in the show he seemed juvenile and reckless. Although it was a nice moment Sam and Jon shared before Sam leaves for Old Town. Despite the fact that it would never have happened in the book as in the book Jon is the one who decides to send Sam away. Ok, ok I know they have to change things, but I found Jon's storyline disappointing. 

Also, what's going to happen with Bran next season? Will we see more of the children of the forest? I'm looking forward to finding out! So much to find out next season! 

Transparent (Tv show) Review Pilot Episode

Pilot Episode
Available on Stan


This is an interesting show. Although I get the feeling like it's trying to be more controversial than it actually is. The premise of this show surrounds a father struggling to tell his grown kids that he's transgender. Following edgy family dramas like Six Feet Under this show is quite unrealistic. It features a father who is transgender and one daughter having a lesbian affair. This show is definitely queer positive if somewhat generic. Despite the gratuitous nudity and melodrama, the performances are good and the premise is intriguing. Ending on a cliff hanger it definitely is worth watching more to find out more.